Finely Tuned
Fast & Secure WordPress Web Hosting
High-performance page caching and site optimization

LiteSpeed Servers
LiteSpeed Server and LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress offer powerful caching and optimization capabilities, significantly improving the speed and performance for a faster and smoother user experience for your website visitors.
Slow loading websites not only convert worse, they also rank lower in search engines, and lose many potential clients.
Our hosting packages include LiteSpeed web server (free of charge) that has been shown to increase website speeds up to 9 times faster than traditional Apache.
Combine this with our high speed cloud that is built using Solid State Raid 10 drives, large amounts of core processors, and RAM, along with MariaDB, you have yourself a very fast infrastructure!
Quick cloud cdns
Comes with 100% Free accounts with 10GB of monthly CDN data (per domain): protects your site at the CDN level, leaving you free to worry about other things.
Provides global coverage
Object Cache/Memory caches
Cloudlinux PHP
We offer versions for better security and control over PHP versions, extensions, and PHP option values.
We recommend enabling Memory Cache and Object Caches for your cPanel account - adding extra thrust to boost WordPress website performance.
Migrate Your WordPress Website For Free
Switching to a new web hosting service can be stressful, especially if you've been with your current hosting provider for many years. We take the pain out of migrating to a new web hosting provider by providing complimentary website migrations. Our years of experience ensures successful transfers in just a couple of hours!
$200 Value FREE
Applies to new customer only